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US Geothermal Energy
Dear Ron Johnson,
I am writing to you about how we can change the energy requirements of the United States. I realize that the oil companies are bankrupting our beloved country. I propose a revolutionary idea that can easily harvest geothermal energy, which is in abundance, but is simply buried beneath a surface that few wish to dig upon.
The US is sitting on a hot-spot, particularly California. Geothermal energy can be harvested almost anywhere, but some spots have easier access. Geothermal energy would increase the amount of electrical energy from natural and renewable sources and decrease our reliance on oil from the Middle East. Should our reliance decrease, we will stop giving money to foreign countries that have been draining banks across the US. And, if we are lucky, we may be able to pull our armed forces out of there. 

The US, along with the world, needs a natural source of energy, one that cannot run out or take millions of years to make. Geothermal energy is the answer. Iceland and countries around there already are experiencing the bounties of this energy. Do you see them begging for oil from Iraq and Kuwait? That can soon be us, should you decide to further this option. Creating plants around the country would provide thousands of jobs, and multiple power sources to convey energy around the country. The plants do not need t be in very public places, but should be in the general vicinity of towns and cities for easier access by workers. 

In terms of the United States output of money, this would decrease the high level of money given to Middle Eastern oil companies. Our nation is in debt, and any extra money can help. The amount of money geothermal energy would save will gradually pile up, and, in time, maybe even relieve our debt with the Chinese. Nationwide, people will be earning money working in the plants, paying for their homes, and really living the American dream. Plus, we can never run out of geothermal energy as long our planet is still alive. Also, there can be no power spills like in the Gulf. The only harm this kind of energy can do is non-existent. The United States is in need of a savior, and geothermal energy is part of that savior.
Proficiency 1

Problem: How will the length of a piece of wire affect how far a pulley pushes a  piece of wood?

Hypothesis: I think the farther it travels, the more force it will carry.

CV: pulley, wire, location, piece of wood.
DV: amount of wire.
IV: the force the pulley carries with it.

Materials: pulley, wire, people, tape, piece of wood, computer , ruler/yardstick.
1. Gather materials.
2. Tape one end of wire to wall.
3. Measure the length of wire.
4. Place piece of wood at bottom of wire.
5. Let pulley roll down wire.
6. After it hits the wood, measure how far the wood traveled.
7. Record results.
8. Repeat steps 2-7 3 more times.
9. Clean up, gather data, create graph.
10. Conclude.

Observations: As I increase the length of the wire, I notice that it loses force. This is surprising to me because I thought that more wire would allow for more force to build up. Apparently, a steeper angle produces the most force.


Overall, my hypothesis was incorrect. Originally, I thought that more wire would make the pulley with weight go faster, create more force, and push the block farther. I was wrong. As I increased the length of the wire, the block went a shorter distance every time. Apparently, a steeper angle is what makes the pulley go faster. As I increased the wire, I decreased the angle, slowing the pulley down and eliminating a lot of potential force. Knowing this, for more force, increase the angle of decent for most possible power.
Proficiency 2

Problem: How does the surface of a ramp affect how long a toy car takes to reach the bottom?

Hypothesis: I think that the smoother the surface, the faster the car will go. If the surface is rough or uneven, it will take longer to travel down.

Materials: Hot Wheels, stopwatch, computer,  4 ft. long piece of particle board for ramp, crumpled paper, tape, people to test, cardboard, airsoft gun and supplies to create holes in cardboard.

CV: Hot Wheels, stopwatch, location, particle board, obstacles/surfaces.
DV: obstacle in way of car.
IV: speed and time of car
Control: smooth surface

1. Gather all materials.
2. Set up ramp.
3. Place paper on top of ramp and make it tight.
4. Let go of car and let it roll down the ramp.
5. Record time when car reaches bottom.
6. Remove current surface and place new one.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 one more time, then repeat with other surfaces.
8. Compile data.
9. Make conclusion.
10. Clean up.

Observations: I found that the rougher or more uneven the surface, the more time it takes. I was correct. Sometimes the car would go off the side and that would throw off the experiment. Knowing this, I was forced to add a border to make sure it went down the same way each time. I am surprised as to why the Hot Wheels track took more time.

For the most part, my hypothesis was correct. For smoother surfaces such as particle board and Hot Wheels track, the time was much less than the other two. For rougher surfaces, such as crumpled paper and bullet-riddled cardboard, the time was greater. Especially for the cardboard. In most instances, it was almost double the time of a smoother surface. With the particle board, I was a little surprised. I thought it was bumpier and would increase time, but I was wrong. The reason the car slowed down many times was because, sometimes, obstacles stood in it's way. These obstructions caused the car to rub against them more than it would on a smooth surface, creating friction. This friction slowed the car down, therefore increasing the time it took to reach the bottom. 

Proficiency #3

Problem: How does the angle of a ramp affect the time it takes for a toy car to reach the bottom?

Hypothesis: I believe that the car will go faster on a ramp that has a greater downward angle. Because gravity is pulling down on the car, and the ramp, being at an angle, will lessen the resistance against the car, therefore making it travel faster. 

CV: car, ramp, location, surface of ramp, mass of car, experimenters.
DV: angle of ramp
IV: speed of car
Control: flat ramp; angle of 0 degrees

Materials: Hot Wheels car, track, protractor, people, computer, stopwatch, calculator.

1. Gather materials.
2. Place track on elevated edge.
3. Straighten out the track and measure it's angle.
4. Place car at top of track and let it go.
5. Use the stopwatch to find the time it takes for car to reach bottom.
6. Record data.
7. Repeat steps 3-5 4 more times increasing the angle each time by 15 degrees.
8. Gather results, make a graph, clean up.
9. Conclude.

Observations: It was no surprise to me that by increasing the angle of decent, the car would take less time. The car almost fell off the board at 60 degrees. I anticipated exactly what happened.

Conclusion: My hypothesis was correct. I said that each time the angle increases, the car will take less time. As a result of increasing the angle, I am increasing the angle of decent. With a steeper angle, the car does not stay against the particle board. Gravity does not affect the car as much because there is less and less of a surface for the car to pulled down upon. By making the surface steeper, I decrease the effect the gravity has on the particle board and car. In the end, the car almost falls off the surface at 60 degrees.

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